We’ve pulled together resources to make sure that you and your child get the most out of your time at Lismore Preschool.
Answers to common questions
Please make sure that you label all of your child’s belongings.
- The preschool t-shirt and hat are recommended.
- Make sure your child is dressed each day in easy to manage” casual” clothing that won’t see them getting concerned if they get dirty! Messy play is an important learning element in your child’s play day so providing a spare set of clothes is very helpful.
- Learning to use buttons and zips is important for children who are building independence with their own toileting, however, please make sure your child can mostly manage to undo and do up their own clothing. Belts, overalls, tights and too snug clothing are not recommended (and very frustrating for a child who is in a “hurry”!)
- Sun safe clothes are recommended (i.e., covered shoulders – see sun protection policy).
- Consider what the “day’s weather” may be – if you are hot, the chances are your child will be too (especially as they move around a lot!) – please ensure they have lighter clothing to replace those long pants/skivvies!
- We do not recommend children wear high heels, thongs or gumboots as they are not generally safe for climbing, running and outdoor play (it’s hard to feel surfaces under your feet properly). Sensible shoes (runners or solid sandals) that support active play and healthy foot development are recommended.
- The Preschool hat, included in your child’s enrolment pack, is recommended.
The Preschool follows the NSW Munch and Move healthy eating guidelines and the Australian government Get Up and Grow recommendations. Lismore Preschool aims to have an environment that is safe for all children to attend.
Staff work closely with families to ensure the dietary needs and health requirements of all children are met in an appropriate and safe manner. From time-to-time this may mean that the Preschool will request families refrain from bringing in particular food groups.
- Please keep packaged foods that are high in sugar, salt or chocolate at home for a treat. These foods are classified as “sometimes” foods and including these in lunchboxes can • cause children to become upset when they would rather have these items instead of the nutritious, healthy options that you have provided.
- Experience shows that several small containers of food are far more likely to be all eaten than one “big” item, as this is often challenging for a young child to eat in one social sitting – i.e. If your child has two whole sandwiches, try cutting them into fingers and putting them in two containers.
- Please provide a cold pack in your child’s lunch. Staff will regularly monitor children’s lunchboxes and refrigerate foods as needed.
- Due to Safety Guidelines foods cannot be heated so please ensure you supply a thermos if you want your child to enjoy a warm lunch.
- Please consider your child’s appetite when sending lunch/snacks ensure they have enough to help them manage a busy day – there are three meal/snack breaks throughout the day.
Fruit break – please provide a labelled fruit or vegetable snack and place it in the fruit basket located on the verandah outside each classroom.
Lunch – A sandwich, roll or wrap, followed by fruit and yoghurt are good starting points for lunch.
Afternoon tea – Cheese and crackers, dried or fresh fruit, carrot/celery sticks, hummus or dips make good snacks.
Drinks – Please send water only in your child’s drink bottle each day and avoid fruit juice poppers and flavoured milk. Freezing a small amount of water in a drink bottle and then topping up with fresh water is a great way to give your child a nice icy drink! The centre provides and encourages children’s regular access to water throughout the entire preschool day.
Packaging and litter free lunch boxes
Hard plastic re-useable containers, bees wax wrappers, greaseproof paper, paper or cloth bags are a much better option for children and the environment. The Preschool is working hard to develop sustainable management options for scraps and waste including recycling and compost areas/bins and children are encouraged and guided to use these as often as possible. All red bin waste is sent home in children’s lunchboxes.
The Preschool aims to reduce ‘single use plastic’ and ‘single use foil’ packaging and asks families to bring their child’s lunch and afternoon tea in washable hard reusable containers.
and sign-out
It is a regulation from the Department of Education and Communities that all
children are signed in and signed out of Preschool each day. The digital sign-in is located in the office area for signing-in and out each day.
Authorisation to collect the child
Only people authorised to collect the child as per the enrolment form can collect children. Please let staff know about any changes to regular pick-up arrangements or telephone the preschool prior to departure times.
Arrival and departure
- For the safety of all children, please do not leave siblings or other children in the car while you are inside preschool grounds.
- Please ensure all gates and latches are securely fastened as you enter or exit the Preschool. Please make sure your child is holding your hand/close beside you as you leave the road outside can be very busy.
- Please make sure children do not swing on gates as this may compromise the closing and latching efficiency of the locks.
The Preschool newsletter is emailed to families or placed as a paper copy in
individual children’s pocket (if requested) and remember to like us on Facebook for all the latest Preschool information and events.
Management Committee
The Management Committee is responsible for the overall management of the Preschool. The Committee employs the Nominated Supervisor to manage the day-to-day running of the Preschool. The Committee representatives are elected at the Annual General Meeting held in Term 1 and meetings regularly throughout the year. The meetings are friendly, open and a great way to be involved in decisions.
Partnerships with families
Families are invited to participate in a range of opportunities during the year including:
- Special events at Preschool: family days, community garden, community events celebrated
- Excursions: library, other preschools or schools, Re-cycling centre.
- Participation in the classroom: Reading, craft, song, dance, special interests.
- Working Bees, things to be made, fixed, invented, built, dug, painted.
- Community events: Lismore Lantern Parade, Biggest Morning Tea
Our service values the feedback of educators, staff, families and the wider community. Speaking to a staff member is a good way to discuss feedback, suggestions and complaints.
Alternatively, a feedback form maybe found in the office area. Families can also direct complaints, in writing, to the Preschool Director or Committee President. All complaints will be dealt with in an unbiased and confidential manner and all attempts made to resolve concerns in the first instance.
If you have some ideas for ways, we can improve practice, or the centre environment please also let us know. Of course, if we are doing something you particularly like or are happy with something you see or hear, please let us know too.